fern frondRegistered members of each Hapū Karanga are entitled to stand for election or nominate another member to stand for election as the Trustee to represent their Hapū Karanga on the Trust.

If there are the same number of candidates nominated as positions available for a Hapū Karanga then it will not be necessary to hold an election for that Hapū Karanga and the candidate/s nominated will automatically be appointed as the Trustee/s.

If there are a greater number of nominations then an election will take place by postal ballot and at the Annual General Meeting to be held in October 2013.  The highest polling candidate/s will be appointed as the Trustee to represent each Hapū Karanga and the second highest polling candidate/s will be appointed as the alternate.

Please Contact
The Office Administrator


(a)    Akura – One Trustee;
(b)   Tamakinui-Nui-Rua – Two Trustees;
(c)    Te Oreore Marae – One Trustee;
(d)    Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae– One Trustee;
(e)   Papawai Marae– One Trustee;
(f)    Te Hika o Papauma– One Trustee;
(g)    Ngai Tumapahia-a-Rangi– One Trustee;
(h)   Wairarapa Moana– One Trustee;  and
(i)    Ngati Hinewaka– One Trustee.